So frustration sets in, I always thought I loved the concept of vikings but having read more about them the guys were A-holes. So my story may be taking of a turn more pure fantasy. I wanted to take an existing historical event and tell it with a fantsy twist but all they really have historically on vikings are the accounts from villages where viking soldiers raided, raped and murdered innocents and priests to amass riches. Obviously this does not portray them in a heroic light and isn't the type of story I want to tell which means I will end up going almost pure fantasy.
You should look into one of their myths and put a spin on it.
Great stuff!
Maybe if they had killed more priests, there would have been less raping of the innocents by priests.
Hi Lucas... check out a bit more historical data on the vikings. I think you will find there was a lot more to the vikings other than rape and pillage... you will also find they had a bit of a holy 'spat' going on with the christians of the time (who burnt a few of the norse churches!) They were clever fellows that travelled far, traded extensively, were very good horseman and sailers... they had a hand in introducing many law systems and inventions to other parts of the known world and I feel got a bit of a bad reputation from the historians of the time... the church!
Cheers Sven
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